Harmony Central - Leading internet resource for musicians.
Drum! - A magazine filled cover to cover with drum industry info, tips, interviews, reviews and more.
State of Music - State by state listings of bands, venues, releases and concerts.
Modern Drummer - The world's #1 drum magazine.
Drum Dogs - Drummers, percussion and drum music forum groups.
Drum Talk - Another popular forum for drummers to exchange music, ideas, stories, tips, etc.
Djembe Drums - Imports and distributes fine african drums at affordable prices.

For The Foxes - Pop Rock and Roll Band from South Jersey
A Need For Reason - Melodic Hardcore/ Progressive/ Experimental
Band from Milltown/ Roselle Park, NJ
We All Have Day Jobs - Experimental Death Metal / Party Fuel Band from Central New Jersey
Swashbuckle - Pirate Thrash/Death Metal
Band from Central New Jersey
Jazz Vs. The Space Tiger - Original Funk Jazz Latin Pop Band from Central New Jersey
A Subtle Monument - Pop Punk, Rock Band from Hazlet, New Jersey
Playground Beatdown - Pop Punk/Rock Band from New Providence, New Jersey
Her Eyes Prevail - Metalcore Band from Princeton, New Jersey
Horse Cave Trio - Roots Rock 'n' Roll Band from Detroit, Michigan
Cosmic Pillar - Experimental / Metal / Rock Band from Knoxville, Tennessee
Fluff - Classic Rock / Metal / Rock Band from Maryville, Tennessee
Mr. Speed - Classic Rock Band from Cleveland, Ohio
Saving October - Symedical/Metal Band from Newark Delaware

KillBrand - A clothing company by rockers, for rockers.
Little Kids Rock - Believes that all children in our public schools deserve music education.
BandAttack - The indispensible first stop for any new band or artist.
Hellhound Studios - 1605 Coach Street, Rahway, NJ 07065